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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

after birth, how to

i had my first son 6 months ago and i remember my self after 3 weeks after birth asking when the heck are his parents coming to take him? Or at least give me a manual to figure out the little monestar
Now i wouldn't give him to any body in the world. I just needed someone to stop the cute lies and tell me the truth about it so that i can expect what will come and deal with it.if you are a new, first time, or expecting mom, you need to know this:

  • Sleep as much as you can when possible:

never get enough of sleep till you give birth,it's going to be very rare when the kid arrives.
If you gave birth already, don't wait to do something else when your child sleeps. Your rest is more important than chores.Cooking and cleaning will be better done while you're rested
  • Ask for help: 
Don't be shy to ask your partner's help. men don't realize your need for a minute of silence, they want youu to ask them for what you need exactly.

  • Cook more:

I almost wasn't cooking in the first three months after birth. When i knew this secret, my life changed and it became a good habit.
When you have the time cook more than one meal or cook big amounts. Use one and refregirate the rest. This will help you so much if you were having a bad day, all you will need to do is grab something ready to cook.
  • Eat well:
Don't underestimate the importance of food in this process. You need to eat balanced amounts of protine, fruits, vegetables, and every single nutritious food you can think of it.Leave the wish of losing pregnancy fat fast and always know that breast feeding and the effort done for the new baby will burn most of the fat.
I lost every single pound gained during pregnancy after the first six months. Actually i think that having a baby is a golden chance to lose weight.Having a baby is a nightmare for the first month, a huge effort, for the first three or four months, but after that it all turns to be the best event of your life when you see the litttle human being you carried for 9 months laughing and babbeling. His smile will worth the world to you.
I also recommend you to read about after birth and there is tons of information you can find online
And remember that millions of moms have done it before and they ain't better than you. congratulations.

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