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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pimples And Moles, DIY At Home Solutions

Every time I have important appointment, I wake up with a huge zit on my face. This is very serious issue that happens to lots of people and I know someone who actually cancelled a date for it.
So what happens when we have this important exam or appointment? Stress activates ac certain hormone to come out, this hormone blends with our skin oils, sweat, bacteria and it creates a sticky pimple that is normally huge. It can be red or red with white head but the most important thing is NOT to squeeze it because it will spread the bacteria which will make other pimples appear on your face, it can leave a scar, and also will stretch the period this pimple will take to disappear.

One great make it at home recipe for pimple is to mix some toothpaste with Aspirin powder, spread it on the pimple and leave it to dry. This recipe is very well known and tried and recommended by doctors as well.
Another solution which is great for people who has Acne and they can use it as a mask, mix some apple sauce, green tea 'don't use the leaves, make some tea by boiling the leaves', brown sugar which is great exfoliator, and some olive oil the best moisturizer ever.
This might seem disgusting but it's really good recipe. It is soothing, exfoliating, moisturizing, and it will help you get rid of acne.
About moles, which is really bad thing for women to have cosmetically and it might be dangerous for your health. First of all make sure that the moles you have are not changing shapes or colors. If they do, check the nearest doctor for skin cancer cause you should always be cautious and when skin cancer is discovered at the early stages, it can be easily healed.
If you were sure that your moles are safe, visit the doctor for easy and quick mole treatment. I saw the technique used to remove moles and it sounded very easy and not painful procedure. The doctor numbed the mole place, stretched the skin with her fingers, and she slowly removed the mole. The result was really perfect and it was all done in less than five minutes. The patient was really happy and satisfied with the result and she said that it wasn’t painful at all.
Both pimples and moles are disturbing but we can deal with them using easy ways.

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